David Ross | Season 3, Episode 7 | 47:41

Blizzards, Bears & Capturing Maroon Bells: The Thrills of Aspen Photography

Matt Robertson is joined by Renowned Colorado photographer David Ross to discuss his journey into landscape and nature photography, and his famous photo, Maroon Bells On Fire.

Starting out of necessity, David eventually found his passion, capturing the state's stunning beauty. He discusses iconic shots like "Maroon Bells on Fire" and the challenges of hiking through snow and encountering wildlife. An avid outdoorsman, David reveals his favorite locations, including the rugged San Juans and Tetons, and his inspirations, like Ansel Adams. Looking ahead, David plans photography workshops and a private helicopter skiing trip. Throughout, he provides valuable tips for aspiring landscape photographers, from mastering the golden hour to dealing with extreme weather.

David Ross:
Instagram @davidrosspix

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